Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Snow in July


Urcos Shrine
Josh is setup for the shot

Backside of Urcos
Where they poured the Chicha as an offering

Puma/Frog hybrid

Uno Urco
This festival takes place behind our house in the Sacred Valley and the legend of Uno Urco or "The Water of Urco", relates to the agriculture in the Sacred Valley. The son of Inca Wiracocha, Urco Huaranca, offered his daughter to the first man who could construct water channels in the area which would irrigate the fields and feed the people.

The festival is held the first week in October.

Through the Lucre Basin to Raqchi Peru

Pikillacta is a set of ruins belonging to the Wari Empire. Pakillacta is a Quechua word meaning "City of Fleas."  This site is located at the Lucre Basin of Peru just outside of Cusco.

Josh just outside of Urcos
Searching for the Sister Cross to The Hendaye Cross in France

Raqchi Peru
Temple of Wiraocha

Qolqas, are structures used for long term storage for grains

Inti Raymi 2011 "Festival of the Sun"

Josh shooting footage of the performers awaiting their turn
Local tribes in selected colors either perform or walk passed the elected officials
The Plaza de Armas